“Mum, there is an exhibition at the museum Glyptoteket I REALLY want to see, and it is ending in a few days. We have to go soon!” So of we went. The exhibition was an excellent introduction to the history of Syria and the Middle East in general.
It was also very well explained how archaeology has evolved over time and how different areas of the planet earth has had the most interest on and off in the history of mankind.
The growth of the population, culture and art in certain areas of the world and the rise of wealth from trade, was also the subject of the exhibition. The decline of a city and its decent into oblivion, gave food for thought.
You can never grow tired of Glyptoteket. There is just so much classical art and history packed into that place. And what a wrapping! The whole place is a beautiful piece of art, with Mosaic floors, huge plants, a fountain and statues.
A beautiful way to learn about history and art.