When we started out homeschooling, we went to the university library that stocks all the school related books for teaching primary school (Pædagogisk bibliotek). We read and read and borrowed and tried out different material that we found useful.
During the years we have tuned in on those materials, that we enjoy and find of a high quality. I will try to write our basic Curriculum here. On top of this Curriculum, we use all sorts of other material, but this is our classical basic learning.
Danish (our native language)
Min danskbog for (childs current grade), Forlaget Delta
Alkalær system for learning to read
Sigma for (childs current grade), Alinea
Let’s do it, Forlaget Delta
Gut Gemacht, Forlaget Delta
Børnenes danmarkshistorie, Nils Hartmann
Børnenes verdenshistorie, Nils Hartmann
Danmarks konger og dronninger, Nils Hartmann
Hvem bestemmer i Danmark?, Nils Hartmann
Børn i danmarkshistorien, Nils Hartmann
Historien om Danmark under 2. verdenskrig, Nils Hartmann
Physics and chemistry
En meget kort historie om næsten alt, Bill Bryson
How science works, Judith Hann (Din bog om naturvidenskab)
The Science Timeline Wallbook, Christopher Lloyd
FysiKemi, Poul Bogetoft