Many of our projects spring out of a flee market purchase. We love flee markets. You never know what you will find and you feel like all is possible at an affordable price. This Pyrex flask was used for a large number of projects. First we calculated the volume inside the flask. Then we filled it with water and measured if the amount of water agreed with our calculations.
Many people ask us what it looks like when we do individual learning together at the table. Well, here it is.
In the classical subjects such as Danish, Math, English and German, our kids follow each their own level of learning.
I teach these subjects individually, by laying out the books on our weekly schedule on the table the night before. Each pupil get a stack of books by their seat to complete a certain amount of work in, the next day.
I go through the work to be done, with them, one by one. Then they work independently and can ask for help, when they get stuck.
The music in the background is not background music edited onto the movie later, but was played while we worked. We often chose to listen to music while we work, if everyone agree to the chosen music.
We all help each other and respect when someone finds something difficult.
On our current schedule (it often changes), we spend around 1-3 hours a day on these subjects 3 days of the week. Our goal is to complete the books we use and the additional tests, by 1st of April each year. We have reached our goal every year.
We have been working with physics and chemistry from a system called “Fysikemi” but they got boring when we got to book number 3 out of 6 books. Then we got a charge from the library for forgetting to bring back the books and decided to pay and give the books back for good.
Then we could start over with inspirational materials. Our daughter chose to study DNA and RNA and make a presentation for the rest of us. She chose to work with biology instead of physics and chemistry today. That is the freedom you have when you are homeschooled. You can see it here:
We have struggled a bit with probability theory, and made this gadget to select random numbers. We then compared it to manual random numbers using dice. Then we entered it into a spreadsheet and analysed the data up against each other. One of our kids build the number selector with dad.
You can see our recordings and progress here:
Random dice number selector we made.Ordinary dice used.Manuel probability chart.It was very slow!